Enterprise RFx Costing Engine
Increase RFT Win Rate through real-time rollup and visibility of costs. Create baselines at review gates and review all changes. Enter cost in any period, in any currency. Use Gantt Logic to set cost start date and duration. All Rates, Contingency, Overhead, Forex and Project Quantities defined centrally. No embedded data in any spreadsheet
Tree View Drill Down
Rollup costs in seconds across 100's of Excel Files. Drill down through every cost to the cent. Group by Supplier, FTE Location, Business Unit, Offering, Currency, Capital, Project Phase (Transition, Ongoing), Contingency, Author and many more.
Compare Baselines
Create baselines at pre-sales gates (Cost Review, Submission, BAFO) and drill down in seconds through every cent that changed, including Forex variation. Group by any category; Author, Offering, Supplier, FTE, Capex etc.
Gantt Cost Timings
Achieve your Price To Win by controlling the Start Date and Duration of every cost to the day. Create Gantt relationships between costs to solve earliest ongoing service start dates, and earliest revenue.
aPeriodic Engine
Enter native costs and quantities in any period (per min, h, d, week, m, q, y, one-time), in any major currency. Mix costs and quantities of different periods and currencies. "10 mins per unit x 5 unit per day + $800.USD per week + $50 EUR". Break free from 'monthly' spreadsheets!
Central Rates
All Rates, Contingencies, Overheads, COLA, Annual Work-Days and Forex defined centrally and used immediately by every Excel File in every project. Rates specific by Country, State/Province, Supplier and Business Unit. No more costing errors by outdated rates.
Unit Costing
Combine multiple FTE, Var, Fixed or Capex cost in any period, in any major currency into unit costs. Apportion Capex across multiple unit costs. Multiply by fixed or monthly, quarterly, or yearly quantity. Use GANTT to set arbitrary cost start date and duration.
Project Dates & Client Quantities
Centrally defined project dates, phases (transformation, ongoing), quantities and productivities. Single update for all files. Respond rapidly to client quantity updates. No more cost errors by embedded out of date quantity data.
Rich Costing Elements
Simplify cost creation. FTE Rates by Role Name, Role Level, Pyramid in local currency, or custom. Auto YoY Productivity and overhead/contingency. Scalar or Vector entry. STL-VDB-SYD depreciation, auto stranded cost and much more.
Real Time Project and Cost Model dashboard view. Export every line of cost with rich filter and grouping tags into your Excel Pivot Table reports. Save days effort in creating management reports.
If you use Excel to create cost models then GoFigure is for you
Screen Shots
How Does It Work?
- GoFigure uses an 'Excel Addin' providing a rich suite of financial and transformation mathematics within your Excel File. There are no 'hidden tabs', macros, vlookups, embedded data or Excel formulas.
- GoFigure performs all cost modelling data matching and grunt algorithmic work behind the scenes, leaving you free to focus on your Excel business logic.
- All global rates and project wide data is referenced live. All Excel drop downs are live and dynamic.
- When published, your Excel cost data is rolled up across all other Excel files in the project providing an immediate interactive total project view.
Increase Your Win Rate
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- Full Featured, three months Free Trial.
- No Payment Details required.
- Demo Project with walkthrough.
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- Join your existing compnay account, Click 'Join'
- Then click on 'Settings' and download the 'User Guide' document